Spatter not splatter

Blood spatter analysis is an interpretation of blood stains in order to recreate what caused the bloodshed. It uses size, shape, location and distribution in order to trace it back. 

This graphs shows the comparison of the height from which a blood drop is dropped from and the diameter of the drop. A trend we see is that a higher height leads to a bigger diameter. We did see the same results as the “conventional wisdom” that the higher the height the larger the diameter. Because of the Height of the blood droplet the greater the acceleration is due to the force of gravity therefore making the impact larger and the diameter larger as well. We found an equation that could lead to our findings which is Y= .025X + 1.16

My second graph is a comparison between width&Length and Angle of the blood drop. A trend we see is that if we have a larger angle we will receive a larger width&length. We found an equation for this graph as well which is Y= -0.125X + 1.10 

In order to determine the direction from which the blood drop originated you have to trace back  by drawing a vertical line through the middle of the blood spatter to the tail. In order to determine the point of impact you just have to trace all the tails from your blood stains and once you have a point where all the lines meet, you have your point. Direction and convergence are important because it can show where someone was when they began bleeding and to trace back the suspects “footsteps.” 

I learned that a few simple drops of blood are able to tell an entire story of a crime scene just by location, shape, size and distribution of them. The only question I have is if blood spatter analysis has ever been wrong before. 

1 thought on “Spatter not splatter

  1. Michael, your paper shows good understanding of the ways blood spatter can explain the events during a crime. You found equations for each graph and included a picture in the “direction and area of convergence” section. Overall this is a strong paper that could be polished by removing additional space around the graphs and pictures.


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